Department of Health
Territorians are being urged to get sugar savvy this Dental Health Week.
Top End Oral Health Service Principal Dental Therapist, Adam Bacon, said monitoring sugar intake was essential to help reduce tooth decay and enhance your overall health.
“Sugar consumption is an important contributing factor to poor oral health and, in fact, a person’s overall health,” Mr Bacon said.
“Getting sugar savvy is important in the fight against tooth decay and other health issues.
“An important part of being sugar savvy is knowing how much sugar is in the food you eat. Because sugar is everywhere, including foods that might appear healthy.
“It’s those with sneaky sugars that over time lead to an increased risk of tooth decay. Good oral hygiene, fluoridated water and toothpaste as well as a healthy controlled diet aid in protecting teeth.
“In 2012 The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported the average Australian consumed 14 teaspoons of free sugars per day. But the World Health Organisation recommends people should have no more than of six teaspoons of sugar a day
“All Territorians should be health aware, and shop savvy, and avoid the sneaky sugars in your shopping cart, because the truth sugar is hiding in plain site on the supermarket aisles,” Mr Bacon said.
Dental Health Week 2020 is asking: “How much sugar is hiding in your trolley?”
“Territorians should read the nutrition information panel on the back of all food and drink labels to check the amount of sugar they are consuming.
“It is recommended you should choose foods with less than 10 grams per 100 grams of sugar, or about 10%.
“And if you want a sugar hit, go for snacks like fruit, vegetables, nuts or dairy.”
Mr Bacon said it good oral health requires regular visits to the dentist and proper preventative care to help keep on top of your oral health.