Do you know your consumer rights? Know how to spot a scam? Or do you have some handy budgeting tips? The Office of Fair Trading is calling on Queensland schools and students to get creative and share their knowledge by entering this year’s Buy Smart competition.
The annual Buy Smart competition is open to all Queensland school students in years four to twelve and is aimed at educating students about consumer rights and financial literacy.
This year’s Buy Smart competition was launched at Forest Lake State School which was the 2022 joint winner of the Commissioner for Fair Trading’s School Champion Prize, sharing the honour with Wadja Wadja High School in Woorabinda, Central Queensland.
In 2022, the Office of Fair Trading Buy Smart program involved over 5,800 students across Queensland. Fair Trading officers visit classrooms across the state to educate students and help them become savvy consumers.
The first prize in each category is $500 for the winning entry and $2,000 for their school; second prize is $250 for the winning entry and $1,000 for their school; and third prize is $150 for the winning entry and $500 for their school. Judges may also award a total of ten highly commended prizes across all categories worth $50 per entry.