The peak body for working people has slammed a backflip that saw the Morrison government once again side with superannuation thieves only hours after ditching a policy that would have seen them let off the hook.
Despite removing the provisions that would see nearly three decades’ worth of super theft go entirely un-punished from its latest bill, Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg later released a statement reversing that reversal, saying that giving super thieves a free pass “remains government policy”.
The ACTU has called on the government to consider reversing its position a final time.
According to research by Industry Super Australia, $5.9 billion is stolen from working people’s superannuation every year.
As noted by ACTU Assistant Secretary Scott Connolly:
“After flirting with sensible policy the Treasurer has made a stunningly disappointing reversal and decided to back super thieves after all.
“There is no excuse to let people who’ve helped themselves to working people’s retirement savings over the last 27 years off the hook.
“The Government has chosen to side with the George Calombarises of the world, who feel free to help themselves to wages and retirement savings that belong to their workers, rather than backing working people.
“We are calling on the Treasurer to reverse his position once more, and to implement measures that would allow workers who’ve had super stolen to access quick, low-cost redress within the workplace jurisdiction, in addition to the current ATO enforcement mechanisms.”