The Commonwealth Government’s commitment of net zero emission targets by 2050 will ensure national climate policy stability and certainty over the medium to long term for the Australian mining sector and its customers.
The Government’s technology roadmap will help achieve Australia’s emission reduction targets.
The Australian minerals industry supports an ambition of net zero emissions by 2050.
The MCA’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) focuses both on developing the technologies that will be needed to drive down emissions in our sector, and developing the minerals and resources needed for the low emissions technologies Australia and its trading partners require.
Australian mining companies are taking action now and investing in activities which will drive down emissions and in turn, sustain jobs and the communities in which they operate.
Companies are investing in renewable energy projects, battery storage systems, electric haul trucks, carbon capture and storage partnerships, using waste gas for electricity generation, autonomous trains and more.
A survey of our members reporting into federal compliance schemes in 2021 as part of the first CAP progress report, showed they had projects underway which will deliver average annual abatement of over 30 per cent.
The MCA looks forward to a productive COP 26 Conference as the world continues to strive for constructive climate action to reduce emissions while enabling on-going economic development and prosperity.
As a leading nation in the production of minerals and metals such as copper, lithium, uranium and rare earth elements, Australia will play a significant role in supplying the materials needed for modern day life.
The role of high quality and verified offsets is also important in achieving a net zero future. The expansion domestically and internationally of Australian methodologies that underpin high-integrity offsets is welcome.