The Hodgman Liberal Government is in denial
about Tasmania’s job crisis and out of touch with the barriers to work young
jobseekers face.
Australian Bureau of
Statistics figures show that Tasmania has the highest youth unemployment rate in
the nation. Youth unemployment in greater Hobart is 17.2 per cent, with some
areas as high as 20 per cent.
Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs, Josh Willie,
said the Hodgman Government has refused to acknowledge the impossible
circumstances facing young people.
Mr Willie today met Shaun Clayton who is
desperate to start a building apprenticeship but faces a three month wait to
sit his driving test to get a license.
With many apprenticeship advertised in September
and all requiring a current driver’s license, Shaun risks long delays in
finding work.
“At a time when Tasmania is crying out for skilled
workers and our unemployment rate is the worst in the country, we can’t afford
for people like Shaun to be slipping through the cracks,” Mr Willie said.
“This is just one example of the practical
impediments young people face in trying to find work.
“Will Hodgman has no idea about the challenges
facing young people the same way he has no idea about how to reverse the
state’s appalling jobs figures.
“Youth unemployment in many areas of Glenorchy
is 66 percent higher than the national average.
“Young Tasmanians are sick of paying the price
for Will Hodgman’s failures.
“Will Hodgman must explain how he is going to tackle Tasmania’s jobs emergency.”
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs