The report from a review into organ donation, retrieval, and transplantation services has today been welcomed by the Australian Government.
The Review of the Australian organ donation, retrieval and transplantation system identifies three key priority areas for action:
- developing a national strategy to meet the predicted increase in organ transplantation volumes;
- improving governance to optimise future growth and sustainability of the whole donation, retrieval and transplantation system; and
- developing a nationally-driven approach to improve organ donation and transplantation rates and outcomes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and those who live in rural and remote locations.
“This report gives us a clear picture of the challenges in the system and will inform the strategy to increase access to lifesaving transplants,” Minister for Regional Health, Mark Coulton, said.
“The success of the first decade of the national program has seen more than 11,000 Australians receive a life-changing transplanted organ thanks to the generosity of more than 4,000 donors and their families.
“However, as long as there are Australians waiting for a transplant, governments across Australia still have more work to do.”
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council agreed to this review in April 2018.
The strategy will be drafted by the new Jurisdictional Organ Donation, Retrieval and Transplantation Committee for endorsement by COAG Health Council.
The final report, and a statement from all governments, are available on the .