- Hon Dr David Clark
Public feedback is being sought on the regulatory safeguards required to ensure consumers and communities receive three waters services that meet their needs, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister, Dr David Clark announced today.
“The future three waters system needs to promote consumer interests and ensure infrastructure is delivered in a way that is efficient, affordable and resilient. To achieve this, the Government is considering whether economic and consumer protection regulation is needed, and how any new laws could be designed,” David Clark said.
“The discussion document, released today, is critical as I want to ensure that the voices of consumers and communities are incorporated throughout the design of the three waters regulatory system – to promote accountability and transparency.
“New Zealanders should expect a certain level of service when they contact a water supplier with a query or complaint, and clear communication about planned or unplanned network outages.
“I also want to be proactive by putting in place economic regulation for the three waters sector. This will promote delivery of efficient, effective, and innovative infrastructure and services, with an overall aim of protecting consumer interests,” David Clark said.
The discussion document, along with an easy-to-read summary and details on how to have your say, is available on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s .
Public consultation is open until 20 December 2021.