
Green Party celebrates gender self-ID legislation becoming law

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Green Party is celebrating the long-overdue gender self-ID legislation becoming law today.

“It is with great pleasure, after decades of discrimination for our takatāpui, trans, intersex and non-binary whānau, to see this Bill pass its third reading,” Green Party spokesperson for Rainbow Communities Dr Elizabeth Kerekere says.

“This is a world-leading piece of legislation that will uphold their rights to self-identify their gender on their birth certificate in a way that is mana-enhancing, accessible and affordable.

“We look forward to further work with Minister Jan Tinetti to address the issues raised by people born overseas, especially refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants here on temporary visas. Unfortunately, they are unable to use this new legislation with birth certificates from other countries.

“I thank Gender Minorities Aotearoa, Rainbow Path NZ, and all the community organisations who have worked to achieve this,” Dr Elizabeth Kerekere says.

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