The Swan Hill Rural City Council has partnered with local residents for revegetation works in Tol Tol Road.
The project will be conducted on a section of road reserve, north of Invincible Bend Lane on Tol Tol Road, 12km south east of Robinvale.
Swan Hill Rural City Council, Councillor Jade Benham said community members had approached her with a desire to see native vegetation returned to the road reserve along Tol Tol Road.
“Community members are quite passionate about reinstating native vegetation on this road, it’s a terrific project,” she said.
Swan Hill Rural City Council Senior Environmental Officer Samuel Steel said the project would re-establish remnant plant species to the site including a mixture of trees, medium to small shrubs, prostrate shrubs and groundcovers.
“Roadside reserves and crown land such as the reserves along the Murray River represent a significant portion of remnant vegetation within the Eastern Mallee region.
“In our landscape these vegetation corridors ensure the genetic health and survival of native plants and animals, by allowing their movement and access to traditional food sources,” he said.
Mr Steel said Council is lucky to have iconic threatened species such as Mallee Fowl, Carpet Python and Regent Parrot in our area, enhancing native vegetation and associated habitats they create ensures we have these species for a long time to come.
The Council is committed to protecting and enhancing our local environment and native vegetation, and welcome initiatives from the community that support this commitment.