The Three Capes Track is renowned for its world-class eco-tourism and demonstrates the potential Tasmania’s economy has when we balance tourism with sustainability.
Minister for Parks, Nick Duigan, said the Three Capes Track is visited by thousands every single year.
“Each year the Three Capes Track brings thousands of people to Tasmania, it’s a huge drawcard, and offers a world-class experience at one of our best natural assets,” Minister Duigan said.
“With 80 per cent of hikers arriving from interstate, that’s thousands of people who often stay on in Tasmania, spending money in our hotels, in our cafes and regional communities each year.
“We do it so well here in Tasmania it’s replicated in other parts of the world – the Greens are attacking this because they’re anti-everything, plain and simple.
“Tasmanians know that the Green’s are anti-jobs, but we didn’t think they’d be anti-bushwalkers as well.
“We will always back in the jobs and businesses that rely so heavily on our world-class eco-tourism sector.
“We can truly have it all here in Tasmania – it’s time the Greens pulled their head out of the sand and got onboard.”