Police are asking the Greymouth Community to call 105 to report non-urgent matters, while the front counter area at the Greymouth Police Station is temporarily closed to the public.
The station has been experiencing some issues with mould due to water ingress.
Air quality testing this week identified higher than acceptable limits in the front counter area, as well as in some other parts of the station.
As well as closing the front counter area until air quality testing returns acceptable levels, staff based in affected parts of the station will temporarily work from alternative sites.
Work is also under way to bring a mobile police base to Greymouth, to provide a way for our community to meet with us face-to-face while the front counter area remains closed.
Regular treatment and testing will be undertaken at the station and at this stage we anticipate it may be a number of weeks before the front counter area can open again.
Reports to 105 can be made by phone, or online:
Please call 111 in an emergency or to report a crime that is happening or just happened.
Local police will maintain a 24/7 response capability and will respond to jobs as normal.