
Growing Territory: Vision for Critical Minerals

TheTerritory Labor Government is outlining a vision for the NT to become aglobally-significant producing, processing and manufacturing centre forcritical minerals.

Releasedtoday, the Territory Critical Minerals Plan is designed to further grow theindustry, create jobs and stimulate the economy.

TheTerritory Critical Minerals Plan helps position the Territory as astrategically significant jurisdiction in critical minerals important to thehigh technology, battery and defence sectors, and seeks to:

  • Accelerate exploration for critical minerals

  • Support critical minerals projects to commenceproduction

  • Grow refining, processing and manufacturing ofcritical minerals in the Territory

    Thereare potential critical minerals projects progressing in the Territory includingTNG Limiteds Mount Peake Project, KGL Resources Limiteds Jervois Project,Arafura Resources Limiteds Nolan Project and Core Lithium Ltds FinnissLithium Project. The Territory Critical Minerals Plan helps support theseprojects.

    Amore comprehensive Territory Minerals Industry Development Strategy is underdevelopment by the Departments of Trade, Business and Innovation and PrimaryIndustry and Resources with a view to being released by the end of 2019.

    Quotesfrom Minister for Primary Industry and Resources, Paul Kirby:

    TheTerritory is attracting international investment interest with strong reservesin critical minerals including copper, lithium, vanadium, rare earths, tungstenand cobalt, and with established logistics capability for exporting criticalminerals to international markets.

    TheTerritory Labor Government supports the development of new critical mineralsprojects. Establishingnew mines creates local jobs for Territorians.

    TheTerritory Critical Minerals Plan will help develop the Territorys strategicmineral reserves and will showcase the Territorys competitive advantages topotential investors, other jurisdictions and the Australian Government.

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