Secretary for Education, Mr. Kevin Yeung; Chairperson of the Board of Governors of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, Dr. Betty Chan; Founders of the “Heart to Heart Foundation, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse officiated a new chapter in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong
The Inauguration Ceremony of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) concluded successfully on 31st May with Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, Secretary for Education, HKSAR as the officiating guest. On the same day, the Grand Opening of the “Pamela Peck Discovery Space” on the ground floor of YCCECE was also officiated by the Founders of the “Heart to Heart Foundation”, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse, JP, whose generous gift enabled the creation of this innovative play space for children from birth to age 8, the first of its kind in Hong Kong.
YCCECE Board of Governors, Council, Faculty, Students, Alumni, Donors and Friends of the College, as well as