
Gun control welcomed by Greens

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Green Party welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement on planned gun control laws, Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today.

“Banning military style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles makes everyone safer. Banning these guns is the first step towards systemic changes to our gun laws,” says James Shaw.

“I welcome this announcement today, we just wish it wasn’t in such tragic circumstances.

“We owe it to the 50 people killed last Friday to ensure this never happens again.

“The Government has heard from tens of thousands of New Zealanders across the country calling for the urgent need to reform our gun laws.

“We are working constructively with our Government partners on further much-needed action to tighten access to guns in our country.

“I am pleased that our Government is acting so swiftly and decisively to rid the country of firearms designed to kill people,” says James Shaw.

/Public Release. View in full .