In October 2018, the Victorian Government unveiled an action plan to protect the iconic Great Ocean Road coast and parks for generations to come.
Work is now underway on the implementation of the action plan. One of the first steps involved is consulting with the community to develop long-term objectives and a shared vision that protects the landscape, supports the liveability of local communities, and provides a great visitor experience.
Community consultations will be happening across the region during May and June, giving everyone the opportunity to have their say on shaping the future of the Great Ocean Road.
The tourism industry is a valuable contributor to the Great Ocean Road’s local economy. In the year ending December 2018, the region received approximately 5.5 million domestic (overnight and daytrip) and international overnight visitors combined – spending an estimated $1.3 billion.
Community consultation will take place between 24 May – 17 June 2019, the details are on the .