Wyndham City is calling for the community’s thoughts and ideas to develop the next Learning Community Strategy that will lead the City’s lifelong learning goals from 2024 – 2029.
The current Learning Community Strategy has seven areas of focus, including literacy, numeracy, digital skills, civics, employability and leadership – these guide the programs, activities and events that support learning in Wyndham.
The community is invited to share their thoughts as to whether these focus areas should continue to be included in the next strategy.
Feedbck is also sought to identify what the future priorities of learning should be in Wyndham City.
Wyndham City Mayor, Cr Susan McIntyre said learning is fundamental to the well-being, prosperity and sense of belonging of all people.
“We are continually learning across all stages in life from children in early learning centres to retirees taking a Tai Chi class – this keeps us vibrant, alive and connected as a community,” she said.
“Wyndham City has established a strong foundation for lifelong learning within the community since the creation of its first Learning Community Strategy in 2010, which has been continuously updated.”
Wyndham City’s Learning City portfolio holder Cr Jasmine Hill said the Strategy has been used as the basis to advocate, facilitate, explore, initiate and deliver on learning goals for our City.
“During COVID ‘adaptability’ was key, as many programs that were delivered in person were switched to an online format,” she said.
“We look forward to hearing from our community what other focus areas have helped them as learners and recommendations to better meet their learning goals across all life stages.”