
Helping housing happen in our city – Wollongong

While planning proposals and planning agreements might not be the most exciting reports to read on any Council meeting agenda, they’re crucial to the city’s future.

Last night, 4 of the 20 items on the Council meeting agenda related to housing opportunities in our city.

The Councillors voted to:

  • Progress to finalisation and referral to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment the rezoning of an initial release of land with capacity for 2275 dwellings within the Cleveland Road precinct in the West Dapto Release Area.
  • Progress to finalisation and referral to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment amended zonings for BlueScope Lands, at Kembla Grange and Stream Hill, and the adoption of a Neighbourhood Plan which means developers can now lodge Development Applications for development of 460 dwellings
  • Put the draft Tallawarra Planning Agreement on public exhibition, which will provide infrastructure to support a future 1257 residential lots at Tallawarra
  • Finalise the Planning Agreement between Council and the proponent for the former Port Kembla Public School site. The Planning Agreement would make sure five per cent of the houses available at the site would be affordable housing.

These steps will work to ensure new houses are in the pipeline – or working through the various planning processes and construction.

“We are hearing a lot of talk about the housing “pipeline” in association with the housing crisis. The pipeline being referred to is simply the steps required to get a new house available for a family to move into and includes the planning processes such as rezoning, precinct neighbourhood planning and development approvals, through to the construction of new subdivisions by developers and building new homes for families,” Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM said.

“These reports considered by Council last night are important milestones and steps that can not be underestimated for our city. What we’re doing is pulling the levers at Council’s disposal to facilitate an increase to housing supply in Wollongong in targeted locations in the city.

“While an increase to housing opportunities isn’t something we can deliver on our own, we are an important stakeholder in this space. By moving forward and supporting these planning agreements, planning proposals and neighbourhood plan we’re able to do our bit to help more families in our city to have their own homes.”

The Planning Proposal for the Cleveland Road precinct, for example, will request the NSW Government rezone an initial release of residential land which has capacity for 2275 dwellings.

“We know many people long to buy or build their own home and this Planning Proposal brings this reality closer for more people,” Cr Bradbery said.

In terms of the “housing pipeline”, this rezoning moves this development into the precinct neighbourhood planning phase, which is the last step before development applications for subdivision can be lodged. It also means more certainty for utility and infrastructure providers to invest in the precinct and will support Council as we advocate to other levels of Government for infrastructure funding to make development a reality.

“While there is a phased approach to development in this greenfields site, it’s important we have lots coming on to the market that are ready for development. This Planning Proposal will help facilitate that growth. It also means Council can continue to advocate with other levels of Government for funding, infrastructure and support for those areas that are outside our remit or budgets. This includes schools, road construction and other community-focussed facilities.”

The decision for Bluescope’s holdings in Kembla Grange endorses the neighbourhood plan for this precinct which clears the way for the developer to move into the development approvals process for subdivisions.

The Tallawarra site is more complex than other areas because the NSW State Government has already approved the concept plan for development. The Planning Agreement is an important step to enable Council to determine subdivision applications for the site.

Finally, the Port Kembla Public School site has already been rezoned and has an endorsed development control plan to guide development. The Planning Agreement for the site will ensure that at least 5 per cent of the 110 homes to be built on the site will be affordable rental housing dwellings.

“We know affordable rental housing is very much needed in our city and it’s an area that was identified in the Wollongong Housing Strategy 2023 when Council adopted the document earlier this year,” Cr Bradbery said.

“I’m pleased to see this Planning Agreement moving forward. This voluntary arrangement between Council and the developer will ensure that affordable housing is provided as part of the site’s development and this is a step in the right direction for our city.

“It’s the second Planning Agreement Council has approved for affordable housing on a site being rezoned for medium density housing with the first being at the Corrimal Coke Works site. While each site may make a small contribution, it’s important to focus on the bigger picture as each step contributes to housing diversity in the city.”

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