The Victorian Government is helping to manage the impacts of coastal erosion at Apollo Bay with $3 million to deliver priority works.
The funding will extend the existing sea wall and build two new 70 metre rock groynes which are designed to capture sand as it drifts past and deposit it back on the beach.
The new groynes, to be built early next year, will run perpendicular to the shoreline, south of the existing Milford Street revetment and to the south of Milford Creek.
Sections of rock seawall, which act as a permanent physical barrier, will also be constructed between the two Groynes to protect the dune, walking path, cypress trees and Great Ocean Road.
Detailed engineering work, including wave and sediment transport modelling, has determined the location and design of the new infrastructure to ensure it is cost effective and will deliver results.
Extensive community engagement on the issue of coastal erosion over several years has also been incorporated into the design, with strong local support for including new physical structures and ensure ongoing access to and along the foreshore.
When the groynes are constructed beach nourishment will be used to prefill the beach on the up-drift side to minimise the impact of the groynes on the beach to the north.
Funding for the project is part of the Government’s $2.7 billion Building Works package that is creating thousands of jobs and opportunities for Victorian businesses through and beyond the pandemic.
For regular updates and more information on the concept design visit:
As stated by Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio
The impacts of climate change and coastal erosion are well known and we’re taking action to help address this dynamic problem.”
“It’s important we value and protect our marine and coastal environments for the communities that rely on them every day and the millions of people who visit them every year.”
As stated by Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney
“Our community is well aware of the impacts of coastal erosion and these important works will help to address the ongoing concerns.”