Premier Will Hodgman today failed to stand up to protect Tasmanian renewable energy jobs from the Federal Liberals’ push for nuclear power stations.
Prime Minister Morrison’s Government has established an Inquiry into nuclear power to appease the extreme right wing and climate sceptics in the Liberal Party.
Shadow Minister for Energy David O’Byrne said that after weeks of attacks on renewable energy from Bob Brown, it was disappointing the Premier was letting his federal colleagues risk Tasmania’s renewable energy sector.
“Nuclear power is bad news for Tasmania and our renewable energy jobs,” Mr O’Byrne said.
“Development in nuclear power, in addition to coal driven energy generation proposed by the Federal Liberals blows up the business case for the second interconnector and any renewable energy projects in Tasmania.
“The Premier had an opportunity in Parliament today to stand up to Scott Morrison but he failed.
“He must call out the Liberals nuclear agenda at Friday’s Council of Australian Governments’ meeting in Cairns.
“Tasmanians deserve better than a hands off Premier who lets Scott Morrison and Eric Abetz destroy renewable energy jobs.”
David O’Byrne MP
Shadow Energy Minister