Following the media announcement of Gilgandra Shire Council’s partnership with ARTC Inland Rail for the long-term lease of new homes at Gilgandra’s Aero Park, Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the design and construction of 10 residential properties at Gilgandra’s Aero Park Subdivision.
The EOI aims to understand the current market interest, capabilities and provide an opportunity for eager parties to put forward innovative proposals for the design and construction of the new residential properties. Following the EOI process, up to four organisations will be short-listed who will then be invited to put forward tenders for this housing project.
General Manager David Neeves says Council is fully aware of the current challenges facing the construction sector and believes the EOI process will provide an opportunity to engage more closely with the industry to find the best solution around these challenges.
“Council has a number of construction projects underway at the moment and are very aware of the challenges the sector is facing in all aspects. Material supply and costs, labor shortages, COVID related disruptions to workforce just to name a few. The EOI process prior to tender will create a deeper understanding of the project for contractors. It also allows Council to understand who is best positioned to deliver the project rather than relying on a price alone”.
Mr Neeves also says the EOI for the housing project presents not only potential for new partnerships with Council, but also future housing opportunities for the community.
“The commercial agreement between Council and ARTC is a return on investment opportunity for the community. The development of the new houses will also facilitate the release of 11 additional lots in Aero Park with further lots possible depending on sales and demand”.
Council has recently adopted a housing strategy that took a comprehensive look at a wide range of issues currently impacting the housing market in the Gilgandra Region. The strategy identified there has been a lack of rental housing stock in Gilgandra Region for an extended period.
Mr Neeves says this project is not the only action Council are looking at in relation to housing issues, but believes it will provide a significant investment in the market that is aimed at stimulating and encouraging other government and private investments.
“Council has put considerable time and resources into understanding the opportunities Inland Rail presents. For several years, Council has had the vision of the Gilgandra Region being a significant construction hub for Inland Rail. This housing project positions the Gilgandra Region to be a significant hub for professional technical staff.”
“Housing and accommodation is a common issue in nearly every community within Australia. Council understand this project will not directly meet the needs of the local community in the short term, but it will reduce competition for residential properties for local residents. This is one part of the solution and we will need more people to assist address this accommodation challenge including local investors, existing accommodation providers and tourism operators, and other levels of Government and project proponents. We all play a role and Council is actively leading on this opportunity.”