If you know a workplace not doing the right thing, you can send us an anonymous tip-off.
Anonymous tip-offs
We have a simple form you can use to tell us about a workplace not doing the right thing.
You could tell us about a business you know not paying their staff correctly. Or report a workplace that isn’t giving workers all their entitlements, like pay slips or paid leave.
The form lets you:
- stay anonymous
- tell us about a business doing the wrong thing
- help us build our intelligence about workplaces breaking workplace laws
- ensure we target our compliance activities at the right workplaces and industries.
Make an now.
What to include in a tip-off
Sometimes anonymous tip-offs don’t include enough information, so it’s hard to know where the business is or what rules are being broken.
When you send a tip-off in, we recommend you include:
- business Australian Business Number (ABN) – unique 11 digit number, which should be displayed on pay slips
- workplace address – including where the work is being performed and not just the head office
- franchise status – for example, if the business is part of a franchise
- industry – such as if the business is in the hospitality or retail industry
- employee information – for example, if employees are casuals or permanent.
By including more specific information you help make sure we can use your tip-off the most effectively.
Make a tip-off in another language
You can send us a tip-off in a language other than English too. Our form is available in 16 languages including:
- Chinese
- Spanish
- Korean
- Vietnamese.
Send us an now.
If you need help
If there’s an issue at work and you need our direct help, know you can . You can call us or send an online enquiry.
Remember that we also have practical guides to help resolve at an issue at work. They include step-by-step instructions and free resources. Go to:
Our anonymous form is only if you want to send us a tip off. We won’t contact you after you send one in.