Tax administration could be improved with better technology and more partnerships with the private sector, the BusinessNZ Tax Group says.
The BusinessNZ Tax Group is a group of leading tax practitioners and service providers who have produced a white paper with recommendations for future tax administration: .
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope says the Government should be commended for investing heavily in upgrading Inland Revenue’s IT capability through their Business Transformation process, which has delivered a world class tax administration infrastructure. However, this is not the end of the journey, but the foundation on which further significant gains can be made.
“The BusinessNZ Tax Group white paper recommends maximising the benefits that can be obtained from new technology and greater automation.
“More automation of information collection would drive down compliance costs for taxpayers and reduce their burden of repeatedly providing information to the tax system.
“The white paper also recommends partnering with intermediaries such as software providers and tax agents, who can bring an innovative, competitive approach to tax administration.
“The aim should be to reduce administration and compliance costs, so the system is low cost and fair for everyone,” Mr Hope said.