Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, and Ageing
launched new Implementation Guidance: . The Implementation
guide is a “living document” that has been developed from the rich
implementation experience emerging from the 10 countries in the Network to
Improve the Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, and from
implementing and technical partners in support of that work. Since 2017, the
Network has been working as a leaders learning hub exchanging ideas for implementation, acceleration and
scale-up for quality MNH care. This Implementation Guide contains
practical guidance for policymakers, programme managers, health practitioners
and other actors working to establish and implement quality of care programmes
for maternal, newborn and child health at national, district and facility
levels. It is intended to help anyone, throughout the health system, who wants
to take action to improve the Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child
addition, and complementary to the Implementation Guide, the new Learning Guide
for MNCH QoC was developed: . This Learning Guide
provides direction on how countries can develop and strengthen national
learning health care systems to learn how to improve, sustain, and scale-up
Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. It is a working
document that will be updated as new guidance comes in from the field. The
guide is meant for health system managers, QoC implementing partners,
researchers, policymakers, and health care providers involved in developing and
implementing QoC programmes at the facility, district, and national levels.