SAPOL has no quotas for the issuing of expiation notices and never has. The practice of offering incentives is not supported or condoned. Police officers dealing with breaches of the road rules have the discretion to determine the most appropriate action under the circumstances. This may include the issue of an expiation notice or a formal caution (warning).
A SAPOL manager recently directed an email to some staff offering an incentive to the police officer who made the greatest contribution to road safety by way of Traffic Infringement Notice Expiations or Cautions issued as a part of the current traffic operation ‘Operation Fatal Distraction’. The operation commenced on Monday 5 August and concludes on 9 August, 2019 and focuses on motorists committing distraction based offences in relation to mobile phone use, interacting with social media and any other behaviour which may cause inattention.
The incentive offered was a gift card purchased by the manager from their own funds. such a practice is not SAPOL policy and is not permitted.
The email instruction has been recalled and SAPOL staff have been advised that the advice in the email is not to be actioned and is contrary to SAPOL’s policy and practices. The matter is subject to a formal review.