The expert panel conducting the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units today released a consultation paper inviting public submissions.
Read the media release below from panel Chair Professor Ian Chubb AC FAA FTSE and visit the consultation hub to make a submission. Submissions close 11.55pm AEST on Monday 26 September 2022.
Media Release
29 August 2022
Australian Carbon Credit Review calls for submissions
The Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) independent expert panel is now calling for submissions for its review of the integrity of the carbon credit scheme.
Panel chair Professor Ian Chubb AC FAA FTSE said the panel members wanted to hear from a range of stakeholders including academics and other experts, First Nations groups, project proponents, aggregators, industry and consumer groups, business, the community and government agencies.
He said the submissions would help shape the recommendations of the panel’s report to strengthen the scheme and support positive environmental, social and economic outcomes for Australia.
“The Panel is keen to hear from a diverse range of scheme participants to understand their experiences with the scheme,” Professor Chubb said.
“We want to hear suggestions on how the scheme might be improved, including practical, relevant examples from other schemes or policy areas.”
The Independent Review will provide advice to ensure that ACCUs and Australia’s carbon crediting framework are strong and credible, and support the commitment to ‘net zero by 2050’.
The Review will also look into how the scheme contributes to regional economies and the broader community; and whether appropriate processes are in place to avoid adverse impacts.
Other Panel members are the Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AC SC FAA, Ms Ariadne Gorring and Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds.
The Panel will report to the government with recommendations by 31 December 2022 and will publish its report on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.