WACOSS and CEWA, along with Peaks, have been advocating to the Western Australian Government for an increase to the WA State Government indexation for community sector funding for a number of years. WACOSS has written and met with the Premier’s office and Treasury regarding this year’s indexation, requesting the rate be increased from 2.55% to 5.1%.
WACOSS have been informed the request is being considered, however we believe it cannot just be the peaks advocating, we need you, as a community service organisation member, to write to your Local Labor State Member of Parliament to highlight the impacts it will have in their communities.
The current indexation rate of 2.55% will be applied to community sector funding for the 22/23 financial year, however, this level of indexation does not reflect the true increased costs for organisations.
The annual wage review decision by the Fair Work Commission will provide a 4.6% increase in the minimum wage, while the WA Industrial Relations Commission announced an increase to the State Wage of 4.65%.
Additionally, employees received an increase to superannuation from 10% to 10.5% from 1 July 2022.
WACOSS and Volunteering WA are very supportive of these wage increases, we don’t want to fall further behind in addressing the gendered wage gap in our industry. However, we understand the impact of these wage increases on community services will be wide-reaching, including your ability to attract and retain staff.
This funding gap has been recognised by other states and territories across Australia, with the ACT Government applying an increase of 4.43% to indexation, Victoria has announced a 4.6% increase to indexation, and NSW an increase of 5.5%.
WACOSS have been asking the WA State Government for an increase in the State indexation rate to 5.1% for the 2022-2023 period, which would help address the shortfall for this financial year alone.
We need your help by sending a letter to your Local Labor Member of Parliament calling for an immediate increase to the state indexation rate, and asking them to commit to a change in the community services contract indexation model.
Contact your Local Member
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