A new Indigenous Essential Services Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Minister about the strategic management and direction of the IES program.
Services, including power, water and sewerage, are delivered to about 39,000 people living in 72 remote Aboriginal communities and 79 homelands across the Northern Territory.
The independent chair of the newly appointed committee is Alan Langworthy who recently completed a term leading an expert panel that advised the NT Government on its roadmap to renewable energy. Committee members are Ziggy Wilk, Darryl Day and Professor Suresh Thannadil, with an observer from the Power Water Corporation.
The Committee’s immediate focus is to provide strategic advice on implementing the Territory Labor Government’s $28 million initiative to improve water security to communities with the most critical need, and to develop a long-term plan to address complex water supply issues. These include new bores, network upgrades, improved water disinfection systems, and the installation of metres to monitor and reduce water usage.
The Committee will also work towards future service delivery arrangements for the IES program and provide advice to support the Territory’s rollout of remote renewable energy and essential service provision to support Closing the Gap Initiatives.
Minister Paech has asked the committee to:
advise him on matters relevant to delivery of essential services to remote communities;recommend and advise on programs for delivery of significant projects or matters of interested related to the IES program to support Territory initiatives;provide input into the preparation of annual IES Program budgets;provide advice about inclusion of communities covered by the IES program;consider the effectiveness of essential services delivery by service providers and explore ways to improve this; anddevelop advice on matters relating to the IES program, including the impact of legislative and regulatory changes.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Indigenous Essential Services Chansey Paech:
“The Territory Labor Government is improving water security across the NT and our new IES Advisory Committee will provide valuable advice and support regarding the management and direction on the delivery of essential services to remote areas.
“Our priority is to focus on communities with the most compelling needs.
“Members have been appointed on the basis of their skills, knowledge and representation of NT Aboriginal communities and are all well placed to help ensure the direction of the IES program provides the best outcomes for people living in remote communities.”
Quotes attributable to Indigenous Essential Services Advisory Committee Chair Alan Langworthy:
“I am proud to chair such an expert team to advise the Minister on ways to improve community benefit from the Indigenous Essential Services Program.
“Our focus will be on community engagement and benefit.
“Renewable energy offers a way to reduce cost and improve services in remote communities and our committee will be examining ways to increase the deployment of solar energy in these remote communities.”