
Intercept of 67.7m at 7.3 g/t gold confirms Verde Zone as continuous 1.5 kilometre zone of mineralisation

Challenger Exploration (ASX: CEL)

Australia-based gold and copper exploration company, Challenger Exploration (ASX: CEL) (“CEL” the “Company”) is pleased to announce the results from 64 holes and three drill hole extensions from its Verde Zone extension drill program at the Company’s flagship Hualilan Gold Project, in San Juan Argentina. A total of 65 of the 67 drill holes (97%) intersected significant gold mineralisation with 51 of 69 holes (74%) intersecting at least 10 grams x metres of AuEq mineralisation. This infill and extension drill program is ongoing with 4 of 9 drill rigs currently turning on the Verde Zone.

The results from the current drilling has again exceeded the Company’s expectations and confirms:

  • Verde is one continuous zone of mineralisation at least 1.5 kilometres long which is yet to be closed off at depth or along strike;
  • multiple stacked zones and intersections of steeper and shallower dipping of mineralised zones in the majority of the Verde Zone holes;
  • strong mineralisation in the final 200 metres of the 1.5 kilometres strike to be drilled with GNDD-458 intersecting 67.7m at 7.7 g/t AuEq. The best hole drilled on the Verde Zone;
  • Several zones of higher-grade mineralisation including 6.7m at 6.0 g/t AuEq (GNDD-359) 4.8m at 8.8g/t AuEq and 2.0m at 9.4 g/t AuEq (GNDD-361), and 26.6m at 2.2 g/t AuEq (GNDD-437).
  • The deeper zones of higher-grade mineralisation will become increasingly important as Verde continues to extend at depth beyond the limits of what may be amenable within an open pit.


  • Assays from the next series of Verde Zone drill holes which cover 1.5 kilometres strike return several significant intercepts confirming that the Verde Zone, at the Company’s flagship Hualilan Gold Project, is a discovery of scale.
  • Results include:
    • 67.7m at 7.7 g/t AuEq2 – 7.3 g/t Au, 5.7 g/t Ag, 0.6% Zn from 300.4m including
    • 32.1m at 15.9 g/t AuEq2 – 15.2 g/t Au, 10.9 g/t Ag, 1.2% Zn from 335.9m including;
    • 0.5m at 834 g/t AuEq2 – 833 g/t Au, 104 g/t Ag, from 335.9m and
    • 1.4m at 24.4 g/t AuEq2 – 21.0 g/t Au, 84.7 g/t Ag, 5.4% Zn from 362.9m (GNDD-458);

Read Announcement: https://challengerex.com/intercept-of-67-7m-at-7-3g-t-gold-from-verde-zone/

/Public Release.