Ourincredible nurses across NSW are being celebrated today for their dedicationand tireless work, as part of International Nurses Day.
NSWChief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Jacqui Cross said nurses in publichospitals across NSW are the backbone of the state’s health system and go aboveand beyond.
“Nursesacross NSW make a huge difference for their patients and their families. You’dbe challenged to find somebody who hasn’t been impacted by nursing care themselvesor by the care received by one of their loved ones,” Ms Cross said.
“Nursesare at the frontline and in very diverse settings. Often it’s the small things- the support that nurses provide, that kind word, the touch of a hand and thathuman connection when delivering care.
“Toall the nurses across NSW, thank you for the huge contribution you make eachand every day.”
NinaLivingstone is a Registered Nurse, Clinical NurseSpecialist in Youth Health Services and cares for homeless,marginalised and at risk young people in the Western Sydney Local HealthDistrict.
“Theservices we provide in Youth Health are essential for some of the mostvulnerable young people in our community,” Ms Livingstone said.
‘Ouraim is to provide young, at risk people who do not access mainstream healthservices with quality, safe health care and address their health needs.’
The NSW Government has committed to the largest Australianhealthcare workforce boost with an extra 5000 nurses and midwives acrossregional and metropolitan areas over four years, as part of a $2.8 billioninvestment.
Tohelp celebrate the work of our nurses, nominations are now open for the NSW Health Excellence in Nursing andMidwifery Awards and can be made , they closeon Friday 28 June 2019.