Exciting news for Eildon! Murrindindi Shire Council is pleased to present final designs for the Eildon Splash and Skate Park.
The project will provide a range of positive benefits to our community and local economy and we’re excited to talk to you about how we plan to deliver this regionally significant project across a number of different stages. We’d also like to hear your ideas and feedback on our proposed funding model, which may involve the sale of under-used land in Eildon.
During September and October, we’ll be hosting several information sessions, both in person and online, for you to view the final designs, chat with Council staff and ask any questions about the project and our proposed funding model.
Community members are encouraged to visit Council’s online engagement platform, , for information session details, to provide your feedback on the funding model and to view the final designs.
Council’s Eildon Ward Councillor Karine Haslam said we are thrilled to see the final plans for this significant project and the benefits it will bring to the Eildon community.
‘Eildon Splash and Skate Park will significantly enhance the recreation offering in our town and attract more visitors to the area, promote investment, providing a real boost for our local economy. It will provide a wonderful experience for both locals and visitors to Eildon’, Cr Haslam said.
‘Because it’s such a large-scale project, we’re planning to deliver it in stages. We have funding available to deliver the first and largest stage of the project, which comes under the title of the Eildon Reserves Redevelopment.
‘True to its name, this stage of the project will see the redevelopment of Walter Moore Reserve, with construction of a new regional play space, splash park, toilets and change rooms, picnic shelter, as well as installation of new footpaths and upgrades to park furniture and other facilities. Accessibility for all ages and abilities has been a key driver in the design process.
‘We’re planning to commence construction of stage one in February 2023, with the aim of completing these works by June 2024. When looking at the designs for stage one, you’ll notice we’ve included a pedestrian link across Utah Place, which will change traffic conditions and make it a no-through road. We’ve included this change based on feedback from community members who expressed concerns for the safety of pedestrians, including families with young children, moving between the two reserves.
‘The first stage of this project is made possible with funding support of $3.5 million from Regional Development Victoria’s Regional Tourism Investment Fund and $400,000 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund. Further applications have been submitted to Sports and Recreation Victoria for $600,000 and the Victorian Government’s Changing Places Program for $150,000, and we expect to hear the outcomes of these grants later this year.
”We’ll continue to seek additional funding from state and federal governments to complete further stages of the project, which would see the construction of a senior play space for older community members, installation of a flying fox and swing area, the delivery of a brand-new skate park, as well as a pump track, additional footpaths and lighting, and improvements to parking in the area.
‘We are also exploring other options for funding, including the potential sale of two parcels of Council-owned land in Eildon. Council’s Recreational and Open Space Strategy identified this land as oversupply in the Eildon township. We know that there is currently significant pressure on the local housing market, and by selling these under-used parcels of land, we’ll make better use of the land for the benefit of our community. It will free up land for potential residential developments, and we’ll be able to put funds from the sale toward further investment in Eildon, including the Eildon Splash and Skate Park. We’re interested to hear what the community thinks of this idea, so we’re encouraging you to provide your feedback by 23 October,’ Cr Haslam said.