
Investing in Generational Change: 2019 MySchool Shows Some Strong Improvement

Five Territory schools have been recognised for outstandingimprovement in NAPLAN testing, following the release of todays 2019 MySchooldata.

The national data, based on 2018 NAPLAN testing in years 3,5, 7 and 9, was published early this morning and showed gains in years 3 and 5reading have been above the national average in about half of NT governmentschools.

It also showed that year 7 and 9 students in governmentschools are improving at about the same rate as the national average.

In addition, the Australian Curriculum Assessment andReporting Authority (ACARA) recognised five Territory schools for outstandingimprovement, with substantially above average gains in specific domains in 2018NAPLAN testing.

They are:

  • AlawaPrimary School: Year 3-5 Reading
  • AnulaPrimary School: Year 3-5 Reading
  • CasuarinaStreet Primary School: Year 3-5 Reading
  • PalmerstonChristian School: Year 7-9 Reading
  • HaileyburyRendall School: Year 7-9 Numeracy

Despite these pleasing gains, 2019 MySchool data showed theaverage Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) score for NTGovernment schools was 754, compared to the national average of 1002.

This is attributable to substantially higher rates ofsocioeconomic disadvantage and higher rates of students with English as asecond language in NT schools compared to the national average.

Data is available online at

Quotesattributable to NT Minister for Education, Selena Uibo.

We want the Northern Territory to have the most improvededucation system in the country, which is why the Territory Labor Government isputting children at the centre of all decisions we make.

I would like to congratulate the five schools who achievedoutstanding improvement in last years NAPLAN testing, and who are leading theway for our other schools.

All children have the right to a great start in life,regardless of their ability or location, which is why the Territory LaborGovernment is investing si gnificantly to achieve generational change.

Our$1.1 billion remote housing program, combined with our focus on early childhoodwith the expansion of our Families as First Teachers program and Child andFamily Centres will help make children education-ready from their first day ofschool, which is critical to boosting education outcomes.

Quotesattributable to Casuarina Street Primary School Principal Nick Lovering.

I am extremely proud of our students, teachers and theentire school community. We have worked together to achieve these results.

Children learn at their best when they are learning inpartnership. At Casuarina Street, we have good partnerships between familiesand our school, our students are aware of their own data and have their owngoals for learning growth.

We have outstanding teachers and school staff at ourschool, our teachers are leading solid, high quality programs and the resultsare reflective of that.

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