The Tasmanian Government is inviting stakeholder and community feedback on a draft Bill that expands the jurisdiction of Tasmania’s Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT), and incorporates a recommendation from the Commission of Inquiry.
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Guy Barnett, said the Tasmanian Government is continuing to improve and streamline TASCAT.
“This Bill improves TASCAT’s procedures, makes the Tribunal more efficient, and expands its jurisdiction,” the Attorney-General said.
“Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, we’re strengthening and modernising Tasmania’s legal system even further.”
The Bill makes a number of changes to the streams in which TASCAT operates, including establishing a new Administrative stream, new Occupational and Disciplinary stream, new Community, Children and Families stream and changes to the Resource and Planning stream.
The Attorney-General said the administrative reviews of decisions under the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013 will be heard in the new Community, Children and Families stream.
“For these matters, the Bill provides for the Tribunal to allocate members who have appropriate professional expertise, in accordance with recommendation 18.13 of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings,” the Attorney-General said.
The draft Bill along with details on how to make a submission, are available on the Department of Justice website at .
Submissions close at midnight on Wednesday 21 August 2024.