
It’s year of Samoa in Pacific

  • Hon Aupito William Sio

Samoan language week will be even more important this year as Samoa celebrates 60 years of independence, Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio said.

“This is the year of Samoa in the Pacific and we begin this week in Aotearoa with the celebration of ‘Le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa’, Samoan Language week.

“Samoans are one of the fastest-growing populations in Aotearoa New Zealand, with the Samoan population representing 47.9 per cent of Pacific people in Aotearoa, making it the largest Pacific population.

“Gagana Samoa is the third most spoken language in Aotearoa – following English and Te Reo Māori – and the second most spoken language in Auckland – after English, however its use is declining rapidly.

“If we have the right tools, we can definitely revitalise Gagana Samoa to keep it alive and thriving – I encourage you to take part in the many online language week activities, and to continue using Samoan words and phrases throughout the year, ” Aupito William Sio said .

This year the theme of Le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa – Samoa Language Week is Fa’aauau le Folauga i le Va’a o Tautai, which translates as ‘Continue the Voyage with Wayfinders of the Ocean’.

This theme aligns with the Pacific Language Weeks overarching theme of sustainability, and the start of the UNESCO Decade of Indigenous Languages, which recognises the right to preserve, revitalize and promote languages, and linguistic diversity in sustainable development.

“UNESCO says at least 40 per cent of the 7,000 languages used worldwide are in danger of being lost.

“My Ministry is working on the launch of the All-of-Government Pacific Language Strategy which outlines the Government’s commitment to ensuring Pacific languages and cultures thrive in Aotearoa New Zealand.

“We mustn’t forget Gagana Samoa and Samoa are so important to us. It is the only nation New Zealand has joined in a Treaty of Friendship and we’ll also be marking the 60th anniversary since that Treaty was signed 1st August 1962, following independence. That Treaty is about our mutual desire to gain social progress for Tagata Samoans and our language is critical in achieving this,” Aupito William Sio said.

O le tausaga o Samoa i le Pasefika

O le a sili atu ona tāua le vaiaso o le gagana Samoa i lenei tausaga ona o le fa’amanatuina o le 60 tausaga o le tuto’atasi o Samoa, o le saunoaga lea a le Minisitā mo Tagata Pasefika, Aupito William Sio.

“O le tausaga lenei o Samoa i le Pasefika ma e amata lenei vaiaso i Aotearoa i le fa’amanatuina o ‘Le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa’.

“O Samoa o se tasi lea o atunu’u ua televave le tuputupu a’e ma le fa’ateleina o ona tagata i Aotearoa Niu Sila, mai le faitauga aofa’i o tagata Pasefika i Aotearoa o le 47.9 pasene o tagata Samoa, o’i latou fo’i e sili atu ona to’atele o tagata Pasefika.

“O le Gagana Samoa o le lona tolu lea o gagana tautala e sili ona fa’aaogaina i Aotearoa – e mulimuli i le Igilisi ma le Te Reo Māori – ma e lona lua i le gagana tautala e sili ona fa’aaogaina i Aukilani – e mulimuli i le Igilisi, ae peita’i ane, ua tauau lava ina mou vave atu.

“Ae peita’i afai e iai ni a tatou auala lelei, e mautinoa lava e mafai ona tatou toe lagaina le Gagana Samoa ina ia olaola ma fa’atupuina pea – ou te fa’amalosi’au atu fo’i ina ia outou auai i le tele o galuega fa’atino i le vaiaso o le gagana i luga o le initaneti, ma ia fa’aauau pea ona fa’aaogaina upu ma fuaiupu fa’asamoa i le tausaga atoa,” o le saunoaga lea a Aupito William Sio .

O lenei tausaga o le autū o Le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa o le – Fa’aauau le Folauga i le Va’a o Tautai, lea e fa’aliliuina o le ‘Fa’aauau le Folauga ma Tagata Saili Manuia o le Vasa’.

O lenei autū e ō fa’atasi lava ma le autū atoatoa o Vaiaso o Gagana Pasefika, o le fa’aauauina pea, ma le amataga o le sefulu tausaga o le fa’ailogaina e UNESCO o Gagana o Atunu’u, lea e fa’atauaina ai le aiatatau a tagata e toe fa’aolaola ma fa’alauiloaina ai a latou gagana, ma isi gagana ‘ese’ese, i totonu o se si’osi’omaga e olaola ma fa’aauauina atili ai pea.

“Fai mai le UNESCO e le itiiti mai i le 40 pasene o le 7,000 gagana o lo’o fa’aaogaina i le lalolagi atoa, o lo’o iai se popolega o le a mou atu.

“O lo’o galulue la’u Matāgaluega i le fa’agaioiina o le Ta’iala mo Gagana Pasefika a le Malo atoa o lo’o fa’ailoa mai ai le ta’utinoga a le Malo i le fa’amautuina o gagana ma aganu’u a le Pasefika ina ia olaola i Aotearoa Niu Sila.

“E lē tatau ona tatou fa’agaloina le Gagana Samoa ma Samoa, auā e tāua tele iā i tatou. E na’o le pau lea o le atunu’u na osi Feagaiga i se faiga Fa’auō ma Niu Sila ma o le a tatou fa’amanatuina fo’i le 60 tausaga talu ona sainia lenā Feagaiga i le aso 1 o Aukuso 1962, ina ua mavae le tuto’atasi. O lenā Feagaiga e fa’atatau i o tatou mana’oga fai fa’atasi ina ia maua pea le manuia lautele o tagata Samoa ma e tāua tele la tatou gagana i le ausiaina o lea tulaga,” o le saunoaga lea a Aupito William Sio.

/Public Release. View in full .