The Victorian Greens have said it should be illegal for landlords to refuse good faith rent reduction negotiations for tenants during COVID-19.
The call is in response to reports that the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) has advised its members to refuse to negotiate rent reductions and force every request into the dispute system.
The Victorian Greens have written to the state government urging them to amend the COVID-19 Commercial and Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment (Extension) Bill currently before the Legislative Council, to make such an action illegal.
As stated by Victorian Greens acting spokesperson for local government, Sam Hibbins MP:
“The REIV advice is an abuse of power and would result in tenants already struggling with housing and financial stability being pushed over the edge.
“The government must now step in to prevent landlords and agencies willfully refusing or delaying good faith negotiations with tenants to reduce rent.”