Housing Minister Roger Jaensch continues to change the goalposts on his definitive housing commitment as he desperately attempts to escape scrutiny.
Minister Jaensch has again today, in releasing Tasmania’s quarterly housing report, fudged the figures.
Shadow Housing Minister Alison Standen said Mr Jaensch has of today built only 281 of his own target of 900 new homes by the end of June.
“Every time Mr Jaensch releases a quarterly housing report it’s presented in a different way and that’s because this Minister is desperate to muddy the waters,” Ms Standen said.
“The quarterly report released today is simply propaganda designed to revise the government’s targets when they are not met and if the government cannot deliver on this phase of it’s so called plan, it cannot be trusted to deliver on the next.
“Mr Jaensch is continually willing and eager to alter target numbers and hopes Tasmanians conveniently forget what he has promised in the past.
“The fact is Mr Jaensch stood in State Parliament and committed to “the delivery of 900 new homes by the end of June 2019”, but his slippery language has become very typical in now saying that includes lots and homes.
“The bottom line is that the Hodgman Government is not delivering on the targets it set itself at the same time there has been no change to an out-of-control housing waiting list.
“The latest update shows there are still more than 3,200 families languishing on the list and they will need to wait an average of 56 weeks for shelter but Mr Jaensch, in updating that data just last week, said it was OK because nothing had changed.
“Today’s quarterly report is yet another example of a government that does not consider its responsibility to deliver affordable housing and prevent homelessness a priority.”
Alison Standen MP
Shadow Housing Minister