
Jail time for dodgy labour hire operator

on an eighteen month good behaviour bond with surety payable of $800, for dishonest use of her position as an employee of SME’s R Us Pty Ltd.

ATO Assistant Commissioner Peter Vujanic said while some people viewed tax crime as victimless, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Contrary to popular belief, tax crime is not victimless. By deliberately defrauding the tax and super system including claiming a refund you’re not entitled to, you are stealing from the whole community and disadvantaging Australians who do the right thing.
“This case shows a deliberate act to attempt to defraud the tax and super system. Mr Erdogan purposefully engaged Mrs Toffoletti in a calculated attempt to evade his tax liabilities and subsequently defraud the tax system.
“Today’s result demonstrates the ATO’s commitment to detecting and prosecuting tax crimes and should serve as a warning to those who think they can flout the law and get away with it.
“The ATO takes its responsibility to protect the tax and super systems seriously. This case should serve as a timely reminder that we will take determined action when necessary, even if this means pursuing you in the criminal judicial system.”
Mr Erdogan was sentenced on the following charges:
  • Two charges of dishonestly causing a loss to the Commonwealth contrary to section 135.1 (3) of the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).
  • One charge of dishonestly obtaining a gain from the Commonwealth contrary to section 135.1 (1) of the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).

Mrs Toffoletti was sentenced on the following charge:

  • One charge of dishonest use of her position as an employee of SME’s R Us Pty Ltd contrary to section 184 (2) of the Corporations Act 2001.

If you have any information which may indicate tax fraud or evasion, find out how to report it by visiting .

/Public Release.