Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) met on Thursday 14 July 2022, 5:30pm, to discuss the following items. These items will be made official resolutions following the adoption of the minutes at the July Ordinary Council Meeting.
Liquid Trade Waste and Sewerage and Trade Waste Discharge Factor Policies – Results of Public Exhibition: Council adopted the Draft Liquid Trade Waste Policy and the Draft Sewage and Trade Waste Discharge Factor Policy,
Walkway Closure – Meadowbank Drive and Springfield Way Dubbo – Disposal to Adjoining Owners: Council resolved to complete the road closure process required by the Roads Act 1993 to have the walkway between Meadowbank Drive and Springfield Way physically closed and that an easement be created for the existing sewer pipe in the walkway connecting Meadowbank Drive. With the remaining portion being sold to the adjacent properties.
Building Summary – June 2022: Between 1 June 2022 – 30 June 2022 DRC approved 49 Development Applications with a value of $21,184,099.
Social Housing Development Scheme – Draft Planning Agreement: Council noted the current status and discussions with the Proponent of the Forest Glen Solar Farm development in respect to a Voluntary Planning Agreement. Council request that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement be prepared in accordance with the terms identified in the relevant report. If a Voluntary Planning Agreement cannot be successfully negotiated with the Proponent a further report is to be provided for the consideration of Council. The draft Voluntary Planning Agreement will be placed on public display with a further report be prepared for the consideration of Council, including any submissions received.
Tender for Northern Regular Passenger Transport Apron Extension: Council accepted the Tender submitted for Northern Regular Passenger Transport Apron Extension from Aitken Civil Engineering in the sum of $1,607,182 for Separable Part A. All documentation in relation to this matter is to remain confidential to Council.
Identification of Surplus Land – Recreation and Open Space: Council noted the report and will consider the proposal to dispose of unused recreational land, following feedback from the community.
Local Government NSW – 2022 Annual Conference: Councillor’s S Chowdhury, V Etheridge and M Wright were selected, alongside the Mayor to act as voting delegates at the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2022. That the nominated delegates will represent Council at the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2022. Councillor J Gough will attend as a non-voting councillor at the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2022.
Amendment to Community Committee Terms of Reference:
Council determined to amend the Terms of Reference for Community Committees and Working Parties listed below, with the number of community representatives listed under Positions to be determined by the selection panel at the time of assessment:
- Aquatics Working Party
- Climate Change and Resilience Committee
- Cultural and Tourism Facility Committee
- Multicultural Advisory Committee
- Public Spaces Tree Committee
- Social Justice Advisory Committee
- SPARC Committee
- Villages Committee
- Wellington Town Committee.
Approved members of certain committees are to be notified of the outcome of their Expression of Interest prior to the July Ordinary Council meeting to allow for appropriate notification to be given of Meetings schedule for early August. The Code of Meeting Practice for Community Committee and Working Parties, was also endorsed.