Looking for a kindergarten in Mitchell Shire?
Come along and have a look at our range of kindergartens and meet our wonderful teaching teams at an open day on Saturday 29 April.
- Flowerdale Kindergarten, 3377 Whittlesea-Yea Road, Flowerdale, 9am to 10am
- Pyalong Kindergarten, High Street, Pyalong, 10am to 12pm
- Mt Piper Broadford Family and Children’s Centre, 150 High Street, Broadford, 10am to 12pm
- Creating Futures Kindergarten, Corner Stanley Street and Queen Street, Wallan, 10am to 12pm
- Wallan Kindergarten, Bentinck Street, Wallan, 10am to 12pm
- Wallan East Family and Children’s Centre, 52 Newbridge Boulevard, Wallan East, 11am to 1pm
- Greater Beveridge Kindergarten, Corner Lithgow Street and Mandalay Circuit, Beveridge, 11am to 1pm
- Marie Williams Kindergarten, 3 White Street, Kilmore, 11am to 1pm
- Wandong Kindergarten, Dry Creek Crescent, Wandong, 11am to 1pm
- Seymour Preschool, 19-21 Victoria Street, Seymour, 11am to 1pm
- Seymour Family and Children’s Centre, 29 Stewart Street, Seymour, 12pm to 2pm
Kindergarten applications for 2024 can be submitted on our , at our Customer and Library Service Centres, or by calling the Children’s Services Team on 5734 6200.
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