With extreme heat conditions over summer, koalas need your help.
Anything above 35 degrees is dangerous for a koala and they need ways to escape the heat. There’s a lot we can all do to help.
Hot, dry weather reduces the moisture available in gum leaves, forcing koalas to seek out more alternative water sources. Put clean water in a shallow bowl such as an ice cream container and place it at the base of a gum tree.
In warmer months, it’s especially important to slow down in areas where koalas may cross the road. Koala breeding season stretches from September to February, so you’re more likely to see them crossing the road day or night while searching for a mate. Most koalas hit by a car do not survive.
Loss of habitat means you may see a koala in your backyard. Help them out by planting trees and shrubs that provide good, reliable shade. Anything from a eucalypt to a bottlebrush can do the job.
Make your yard a safe space by reducing the chances of your dog interacting with a koala. Dogs of all sizes and breeds may pose a threat to koalas. Keep dogs inside or confined at night and make sure koalas can easily escape your yard by placing a wooden post near your fence.
Backyard pools also present a danger for koalas that are seeking water. While koalas can swim, they may have difficulty getting out of a pool and could drown. Make sure koalas can access a rope or something similar to climb out of your pool. Pool fencing can also be designed to prevent a koala from gaining access.
Remember to call in your local experts if you see a distressed or injured koala, Koalas in Care 0439 406 770 or Wildlife in Need of Care 1300 946 295.
MidCoast Council is currently developing a MidCoast Koala Strategy and mapping koala populations in our urban, rural and bush areas. If you know of a koala population or have knowledge and views about koala conservation you’d like to share, please head to haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/koala-strategy before 11 February.
Photo credit: Caitlin Orr