
Legal avenues to Tobacco Endgame goal

A multi-stranded strategy is needed to reach the lofty goal of the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame (CREATE), says a chief investigator and co-director of the project’s legal dimension, QUT Professor Matthew Rimmer.

  • Ending the tobacco industry will take a mix of strategies
  • Successful legal strategies from around the world considered
  • Australia has led the way with plain packaging and won court cases against it
  • Court upheld tobacco ban in South Africa to cut smokers’ COVID risk

Professor Rimmer co-authored the influential 2008 paper The Case for the Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products and has researched global legal challenges to the tobacco industry extensively.

“The centre’s researchers will take a global view to investigate for the best mix of policy strategy to put the tobacco industry out of business in Australia and New Zealand,” Professor Rimmer said.

“Australia led the way with plain packaging an