
LEP-amendment-42 . Plan to reduce lot sizes at Shiralee up for comment

Orange Council

A proposed re-zoning, which would change the minimum lot sizes of blocks of land in a section of the new Shiralee housing area, is on exhibition for community comment.

The proposal, known as Amendment 42 to Orange Local Environmental Plan (168 Shiralee Road), relates to the rezoning and amendment of minimum lot size for various sites at Park and Rifle Range Roads, Shiralee (part Lot 11 DP 750401 and part Lot 88 DP 750401).

The proposal seeks to amend the Orange Local Environmental Plan 2011 by:

• Changing the Minimum Lot Size (MLS) for subdivision from 3,000m² and 200m² to 500m².

• Rezoning part of the land from R2 Low Density Residential to R1 General Residential.

The exhibition documents are available for viewing at Council’s principal office at the Customer Service Counter, ground floor, Civic Centre – corner of Byng Street and Lords Place, Orange – during ordinary office hours, being 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.

The documents can also be downloaded here.

/Public Release. View in full .