
Liberals and Greens have failed vulnerable Tasmanians

Tasmanian Labor
  • Liberals and Greens deny funding to disability providers
  • Fears some organisations will be forced to close
  • Liberals and Greens must now explain this heartless decision
  • The Hodgman Liberal Government and the Greens have today failed vulnerable Tasmanians by voting to deny funding to 18 disability providers in Tasmania.

    Shadow Minister for Disability, Jo Siejka, said the Liberals and Greens voted against a motion calling on Minister Jacquie Petrusma to commit to continued funding for the disability providers facing cuts this financial year.

    “By voting against this motion, it shows that both the Liberals and Greens are completely incapable of standing up for Tasmanians living with disabilities,” Ms Siejka said.

    “It means that at the end of this financial year, the Government will no longer fund these disability providers who depend on and require State Government funding to deliver services to 90,000 people living with a disability.

    “These organisations include Autism Tasmania, the Paraquad Association of Tasmania, Epilepsy Association of Tasmania, TADTas, Brain Injury Association of Tasmania, Spina Bifida Association and Tasmanian Acquired Brain Injury Services.

    “These groups look after people who are not eligible for the NDIS and are reliant on Government funding to continue the great work they do in the community.

    “The Minister continues to defend the decision by stating these groups can instead apply for the Information Linkages and Connections (ILC) grants provided through the NDIS.

    “These grants don’t provide a viable solution for these organisations for a number of reasons including they don’t provide core funding, are project based and are nationally competitive. There are no guarantees these organisations will be successful in this grants process, or be eligible to apply.

    “The Liberals and the Greens must now explain to these thousands of people living with disabilities where they will now go for help in the likely event these organisations will fold.”

    Jo Siejka MLC

    Shadow Minister for Disability

  • /Public Release. View in full .