The minority Liberal government has wasted more taxpayer money, spending $92,900 on yet another external recruitment contract, only to appoint someone who already worked for them.
The appointment of Gary Swain as the new Treasury Secretary is welcome, but the government has again recklessly and needlessly spent a large amount of taxpayers’ money, awarding a contract to Hays Specialist Recruitment to fill the role.
Earlier this year, the government paid Hays nearly $80,000 to recruit a new Secretary of State Growth, again appointing someone down the corridor.
At the time, a State Government spokesperson , saying “the use of consultancies is carefully governed through the application of the government’s procurement policies, including ensuring that we get value for money on behalf of Tasmanians.”
If this is good value for money, I’d hate to see what a bad deal looks like.
After 10 years of Liberal government, Tasmania has record debt and deficit, but the Liberals continue to throw good money after bad and treat Tasmanians like mugs.
Shane Broad MP
Shadow Treasurer