Music industry bodies today welcomed the amendments to the Music Festivals Bill passed in the NSW Upper House last night.
The NSW Upper House voted to amend the draft legislation to include establishing an industry roundtable to ensure ongoing consultation and transparency on the operation of the regulations.
Live Performance Australia’s Chief Executive, Evelyn Richardson, said, “Industry has been calling for meaningful consultation for more than twelve months. We’ve also been calling for establishment of an industry roundtable where we can work together to ensure safety at music festivals.
“We believe it’s important that the consultation process is set out clearly in the legislation. We thank the Parliament for supporting the industry’s call,” Ms Richardson said.
“We look forward to Minister Dominello delivering on his commitment to industry, reaffirmed in the Parliament, to convene the first roundtable meeting before the end of the year. We’re ready to sit down and work with government and this industry roundtable provides the mechanism for genuine dialogue,” she said.