Local Government Week 2019, 29 July – 2 August, offers the chance to reflect on the major role council plays in improving Willoughby as a place to live, work and visit.
“Many people know that Willoughby City Council is responsible for local roads, rates and rubbish but are less aware of the many other services we provide,” Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney said.
“We operate seven free local libraries, provide spaces for community groups, administer grants, maintain playgrounds and sporting fields and provide aged care services.”
Willoughby City Council’s broad remit includes looking after bushland, walking tracks and streetscapes, child care facilities and youth services, events and festivals, a leisure centre, three art spaces, a world class performing art space and even a community orchestra.
“We also advocate for the interests of our community in planning matters and other issues that affect local liveability, sustainability, safety and amenity,” Mayor Giles-Gidney continued.
“As the third tier of government in Australia, local government is the one that has most direct contact with ratepayers and residents, and the one that provides the vital services that keep our communities, villages, and towns, functioning.”
“Local Government Week provides a chance for people to discover just how much local government does and how they can become more involved in their own council, either through volunteering, attending a workshop or course or visiting a community centre or library.”