Rockhampton Zoo may be currently closed to the public, but plenty is still going on behind the locked gates.
Parks Portfolio Spokesperson Councillor Cherie Rutherford said the staff were working hard to keep the animals looked after and the community informed.
“Although the gates are closed our team are working seven days a week to ensure our animals are fed, watered, and stimulated physically and mentally,” said Cr Rutherford.
“Some animals don’t miss the public too much but some really do – Cassius, our oldest chimp, is certainly going to be excited when people are allowed to come back and visit him!
“Enrichment activities are continuing every day, whether that’s a new slide for the otters or the birds getting Easter treats.
“I know the staff are also missing the company of our great volunteers, who obviously can’t be at the Zoo at the moment.”
Councillor Rutherford said residents had been very appreciative of the work the team are doing to keep them up to date via facebook.
“The team have always been great at sharing things online but there are extra features now that people can’t visit in person.
“Every Monday there’s a more in depth look into the life and history of one of our animals, plus a little competition for kids to comment with pictures they’ve drawn of that week’s featured animal.
“Every Thursday there’s a video of one of our keepers so you can learn more about them and what they do, and every Friday there’s an update on Gandali and Capri, our two little cheeky chimpanzees.
“There are also keeper talks, behind the scenes looks at training, and plenty of clips our team have caught of the animals being cute, playful, funny and more!”
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