MidCoast boaties can dispose of expired marine flares on Sunday 8 January.
Flares contain hazardous materials that must be disposed of correctly. They cannot be placed in any waste bin.
Transport for NSW provides this safe, free and convenient disposal program for expired flares.
Collection points will be on Sunday 8 January at,
- Endeavour Place Boat Ramp, Stevenson Street, Taree, 7:30 am-9:30 am
- Crowdy Head Boat Ramp, Crowdy Head Road, Crowdy Head, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
- Forster Boat Ramp, Dolphin Drive, Forster, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
Marine flares are used in boating emergencies as a signal for help, and to assist with establishing a vessel’s location. Most have a use-by-date of three years from manufacture and need to be replaced. Penalties apply if flares are not replaced within their expiry period. It is also an offence to set off flares except in the case of an emergency.
“Flares should not be placed in any waste bin. Many people think they can, but flares are highly flammable and can cause injury, fire and damage to property. Flares are also hazardous for the environment if they end up in our landfill,” explained David Rees, MidCoast Council’s Waste Services Manager.