Council endorsed key masterplans for Latrobe City’s Flood Recovery Project at its meeting on Monday 4 July.
The Traralgon Recreation Reserve and Showgrounds Masterplan and Glenview Park Masterplan were endorsed after extensive community consultation, including a review following the 2021 flood and storm event.
These masterplans highlight required amenities at each facility and Council is seeking a $4.25 million Federal Government investment to complete the $11 million Traralgon Flood Recovery project. The project has been partially funded with $4.75 million from the Victorian Government’s 2022/23 State Budget, a $2 million Council contribution and requires the remaining funds to begin works.
The flood event caused major damage to the Traralgon Recreation Reserve, resulting in several buildings and structures beyond repair and requiring demolition. Many community groups who occupied these buildings have been displaced indefinitely.
As we can see from the devastating floods that have occurred in the past year across the country, it is critically important that we improve our resilience to flood events. The impacts that users of the community facilities felt from the 2021 flood events will be reduced significantly through the redevelopments that are proposed as part of these masterplans.
A community hub at Glenview Park and multi-use pavilion in the Traralgon Recreation Reserve would foster the relocation of these community groups and significantly reduce the impacts of any potential future flood events.
Mayor of Latrobe City, Councillor Kellie O’Callaghan outlined the opportunity the Federal Government had to support recovery in Latrobe.
“Council is calling on the Federal Government to partner with us on these recovery efforts. We have the opportunity to collaborate between all levels of government on a project that will support recovery, our community and generate local jobs.
“Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in cost estimates in regard to this project. We hope we will be able to work with the Federal Government to secure the funding required so we can move forward with the project,” said Cr. O’Callaghan.