To each of our valued residents,
We are living in uncertain times. Every day we wait for the Victorian Premier and Chief Health Officer to deliver us numbers, messages and information about what we all need to be doing to stop the spread of COVID-19.
This is all very important, but it takes its toll.
It is taking its toll because people’s health and in severe cases, people’s lives, hang in the balance and it is very concerning.
Our community is significantly affected by this pandemic. In fact, today we have a total of 392 active COVID-19 cases, 40 more than yesterday and less than only three other municipalities in the whole of Victoria.
I thank each of you for doing all you can to help stop the spread of COVID-19 throughout our community – by staying home where possible, never going to work while you are sick, by getting tested as early as possible, and by wearing your face coverings.
I am very worried about the situation in aged care facilities. My heart goes out to the residents, staff and the families of those in care, particularly at Epping Gardens Aged Care where a major outbreak has developed over the past few days.
I fully support DHHS and Austin Health in their efforts to provide care to residents living at Epping Gardens, and in providing answers to families seeking information.
I understand the anguish felt by families who are separated from their loved ones in aged care at this time.
My thoughts also are with those working at Bertocchi Smallgoods in Thomastown and their families and friends, and the children and their loved ones at Nino Early Learning Adventures in Bundoora where recent outbreaks have also occurred.
Our front-line workers are doing an amazing job. THANK YOU.
From the wonderful staff at the Northern Hospital and DPV Health who are undertaking testing in our community, our emergency services personnel, every essential worker including Council’s community-facing staff – THANK YOU for your commitment, patience and courage.
or if you are unsure contact Council on 9217 2170.
Stay well, stay safe.
- Lydia