Landcare Australia
Michelago landowners felling ‘widow makers’ for habitat restoration land financial boost from Landcare Australia bushfire grants
After the Clear Range inferno impacted their Michelago property, landowners Sally and Martin Hughes were faced with a new problem – the risk of falling damaged trees.
But with financial support from , the couple are determined any tree loss will still be a habitat gain.
Initial investigation suggested 13 trees would need to felled. Once that happened, trees would be left in situ to provide ground layer habitat and reduce erosion.
“To assist in the recovery rate, supplementary planting aims to provide understorey habitat and mitigate erosion,” explained Sally.
“However within the affected areas, trees damaged by fire pose a risk for those undertaking revegetation activities. This project therefore looked to engage an arborist to fell trees that are at risk of falling in the near future. Any tree that includes a suitable hollow will be re-established in a neighbouring tree as these are incredibly important habitats for animals and birds.”
/Public Release.